Hello, I am Dr. Li, a Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) practitioner. This kind of deficiency is often referred to as qi deficiency, blood deficiency, yin deficiency, and yang deficiency. From the perspective of internal organs, the most important said spleen deficiency, kidney deficiency. If they appear alone, of course, relatively good treatment. When the two organs are combined, it is more difficult to treat, and the symptoms will be a little more complex, and the treatment will be a little contradictory.
-First, let's talk about spleen deficiency. The spleen has been talked about many times, it helps digestion by transporting water and grain essence, and after digestion, it releases nutrients to be transported to all internal organs and organs of the body. If the spleen is deficient, it will be unfavorable to transportation and digestion, and the patient will have less food, fullness, and dullness. When the transportation and absorption are less, there will be weakness.
At this time, the tongue is usually pale, the coating is white or thin, and the stools are loose. Note that here said white or thin white, rather than white thick white greasy. This indicates that the dampness of Spleen deficiency is not very heavy, and simply tonifying the Spleen-Qi is sufficient. Of course, absorption is poor, and Qi and Blood are deficient. At this time, the most commonly used formula to strengthen the Spleen, tonify Qi and nourish Blood is the Gui Spleen Tang.
Clinically, there are Qui Spleen Pills, and many patients check their symptoms and think, “I'm tired, my digestion isn't very good, I feel like I'm moving slowly, and my stools are a little bit loose, so I'll just go buy two boxes of Qui Spleen Pills and take them.
-If it is kidney deficiency, it is divided into yin deficiency and yang deficiency.
Let's start with Yin deficiency. What does the tongue of a patient with Yin deficiency look like? The tongue is red with little moss and the pulse is thin, mainly red with little moss. Note that at this time, the tongue moss is still not thick, and the symptoms will appear dry mouth, five heart heat. At this time, use a little nourishing yin and nourishing yin medicine, such as six flavors of dihuang pill, take a box or two of symptoms will be better.
However, if the disease progresses further, both Spleen and Kidney deficiencies occur. Because the dampness is heavier after the spleen is deficient, it blocks the rise of yang qi, and when the dampness blocks yang qi, kidney yang deficiency occurs. Kidney yang is the root of yang qi, the spleen is the root of the latter, and the kidney is the root of the innate, and the relationship between the two is very close. Kidney Yang deficiency is followed by Spleen Yang deficiency. When Yang is deficient, water cannot be transported, which leads to water-dampness stagnation. At this time, the patient's symptoms will be more, in addition to fatigue, tiredness, lumbar pain and knee weakness, fear of cold limbs cold, tongue texture is light or dark, the tongue coating will appear white or thick greasy.
So we can see the development of this disease and symptoms, ultimately fall on what? It falls on dampness, and the core is dampness. At this time, we should focus on eliminating dampness, and when eliminating dampness, we have to warm the Yang and promote diuresis. However, we should pay attention to the strength of warming the yang can not be too much, because the yang is too strong will lead to yin deficiency, so this degree is to rely on the doctor's experience to grasp.
This is also a contradiction in the treatment of this stage of Spleen and Kidney deficiency. Some patients have dry mouth and fullness, dullness and fatigue, which are symptoms of both yin and yang deficiencies. It is necessary to calm the yin and yang, at the same time, diuresis and seepage of dampness and qi, so as to solve the problem of synthesis.
So I said so much, we should take advantage of the condition of light, Chinese medicine said not to treat the disease to treat the disease, this symptom has the early stage of the time as soon as possible to regulate, to avoid the complexity of the situation. If you have related problems, symptoms can also be sent to me, I help you identify and analyze.