In traditional Chinese medicine (TCM), the liver is said to "open into the eyes." This means that many liver-related issues can manifest as symptoms in the eyes. If you notice any of the following eye conditions, it could be an indication of liver dysfunction.
1. Dry Eyes
The liver stores blood, which nourishes and moistens the eyes. When liver blood becomes deficient, it can lead to dry and gritty eyes. This deficiency may also disrupt sleep, causing insomnia and vivid dreams. Additionally, because liver blood nourishes the skin and hair, you might also experience dry skin and brittle, lackluster hair.
To address these symptoms, consider using Yigan Mingmu Oral Solution, a formula designed to tonify the liver and kidneys, nourish the blood, and brighten the eyes.
2. Red and Swollen Eyes
When liver fire becomes excessive, it can rise and "scorch" the eyes, leading to redness, swelling, itching, and pain. Liver fire may also affect the heart yin, causing symptoms such as palpitations, restlessness, disturbed sleep with frequent waking, memory decline, a red tongue tip, and mouth ulcers.
In such cases, Xiegan Anshen Pills are recommended to clear liver fire and nourish heart yin, helping to alleviate these symptoms.
3. Eye Fatigue
The liver, characterized as a "resilient organ" in TCM, is particularly affected by emotional stress such as anger and frustration. Prolonged anger can deplete liver yin, leading to symptoms like eye fatigue, blurry vision, difficulty keeping the eyes open, and diminished eyesight. This depletion can also cause head heaviness, night sweats in the hands and feet, afternoon tidal fever, and distention or pain in the flanks.
For these symptoms, Liuwei Dihuang Pills are a classic choice to nourish liver and kidney yin, providing relief for the underlying imbalance.
Take Eye Health Seriously
If you notice any unusual symptoms in your eyes, it’s essential to pay attention and address them promptly to avoid more severe complications. Remember, your eyes may be reflecting your liver's health, so consider consulting a TCM practitioner for personalized advice and treatment.